By Koenig, Jeanette Suzanne

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See Chapter Four for more discussion. Also, an unsyllabified consonant would exist to the right of an H-jer, of course, if an H-jer was present in the immediately following syllable. 23 from right to left (See Chapter Four). The conditioning environment for vocalization was an unsyllabified consonant to the right of the H-jer. An isolated H-jer did not meet this condition, as the unsyllabified consonant would be to its left and would resyllabify as the coda of the preceding syllable. As H-jers vocalized, they projected nuclei with which to syllabify the adjacent stray consonants on either side, ending the dominance of the open syllable.

Ym-/28 | * pi:sem-pi:sem-Y Note, however, that if YVoc applies this early, it will over-generate and apply for all case endings, including the locative plural. Not only would this cause vocalization to occur inappropriately, it would also bleed the Rhythmic Law. This is illustrated in (11) below. (11) YVoc YDel Add ending Rhythmic Law Surface /pi:sYm-/ e -pi:sem-a:x -[⊗pi:sema:x] The YVoc rule cannot precede attachment of the next morpheme (in this case, the genitive plural ending), or else it will apply in all cases.

The question is when in the derivation the d/t truncates—before or after attachment of other morphemes. This would affect how vocalization applies on the prefix M-jer (to be explained below). The evidence suggests the /t/ truncates before prefixation. Consider the past tense forms of another verb v’osti ‘to lead’, which belongs to the same class as the one in (25). (26) a. v’ol / v’od-l-(•)/ b. v’ola /v’od-l-a / ‘he led’ ‘she led’ The masculine form in (26-a) ends with the cluster /dl/, which constitutes a sonority sequencing violation.

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