By Carlo Petronio

Those notes originate from a seminar held in Pisa in November and December 1996 together through Riccardo Benedetti, Paolo Lisca and me. the purpose of those notes is to provide a close evidence of the subsequent consequence as a result of Eliashberg and Thurston: THM permit M be a closed orientated 3-manifold and allow F be a cooriented C2-smooth codimension-1 foliation on M. imagine that (M,F) isn't diffeomorphic to the product foliation on S2xS1. Then arbitrarily just about F within the C0 topology there exist a favorable and a detrimental C\infty touch constitution.

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1957: Treatise on invertebrate Paleontology. Part L. Mollusca 4. Cephalopoda. Ammonoidea; Geol. Soc. Amer. and Univ. Kansas Press, Lawrence, pp. 1-xxii + L1-L490, 558 text-figs. Bassov, V . A . et al. 1962: Novye dannye po stratigrafii verkhneyurkich i nizhnemelovykh otlpzhenii zapadnoi chasti Khatangskoi vpadiny (New data on the stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the western part of the Khatanga Depression); Inst. Geol. Arktiki SSSR, Informatsionnyi Sbornik, N o .

Schweizerbart (E. Koch) Librarie. Frebold, H. 1930: Verbreitung und Ausbildung des Mesozoicums in Spitzbergen; nebst einer Revision der Stratigraphie des Jura und der Unterkreide in Nowaja Semlja und einem Entwurf der Mesozoischen Entwicklungsgeschichte des Barentsseeschelfes; Skr. Svalbard og Ishavet, No. , 8 text-figs. 1961: The Jurassic faunas of the Canadian Arctic, Middle and Upper Jurassic ammo­ nites; Geol. Surv. , Bull. , 1 corr. table. Gerassimov, P. A . 1955: Rukovodiastchie Iskopaemye Mesozoia Tsentral'nykh Oblastei Yevropeiskoi Chasti SSSR (Index Fossils of the Mesozoicum of Central Provinces of the European Part of USSR).

T h e upper part o f the Upper Volgian stage appears to be characterized b y other Buchia forms, such as B. unschensis (Pavlow, 1 9 0 7 ) , B. aff. subinfiata, B. ex gr. uncitoides, etc. This relatively restricted timerange o f B. fischeriana s. lato in A r c t i c Canada may well b e only a regional phe­ nomenon, as this species is known to occur in great numbers in most o r all o f the Upper Volgian stage in the Central Russian basin (Pavlow, 1907, p p . 4 8 , 5 8 , table o p p . p . 8 4 ; Gerassimov, 1 9 5 5 , p .

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