By Bob Moses
Drum knowledge offers Bob Moses' special and fresh innovations approximately such subject matters as considering musically, inner listening to, enjoying off of melodies and vamps, and lots more and plenty extra. forty eight pages, saddle-stitched.
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Aramaic texts to indicate the end of a verse (and in some cases half verses), see for instance, the Qumran Targum on Leviticus (4Q156). The double dot on p. 2, recto, line 23 corresponds with the end of a verse (namely Lev. 11:20). The double dot on p. 6, recto, line 13 (corresponding to Lev. 12:2), however, does neither correspond with the end of a verse, nor with the half of a verse, but stands in a phrase. Following the double dot on p. 2, recto, line 23, there is a space of about three characters.
A. Korpel and ÌB . Moreover 1ŒIsaa has a narrow space and Ginsburg found 10 manuscripts which have a spacing here too. Isa. 62:6 – again the manuscript is supported by some pre-Masoretic witnesses (narrow spaces in 1ŒIsaa and ÌQ , full paragraphing in the ÌV ). Ginsburg’s data illustrate that both traditions, with or without spacing, were continued. Isa. 63:17 – the WS in BN is supported by three manuscripts of Ì. Isa. 64:3 – the space in BN is shared not only with AC and CB, but also with ÌA .
D. M. Oesch, ‘Graz UB 35. 680: Ein Pseudo Ben Naftali (PsBN) Fragment’, in: I. ), Meqor Hajjim: Fs G. Molin, Graz 1983, 171-85. Kahle 1927 – P. ) Kahle, Masoreten des Westens, Bd. 1, Stuttgart 1927 (repr. Hildesheim 1967). Paragraphing in a Palestinian-Tiberian MS – Bibliography 31 Kahle 1930 – P. ) Kahle, Masoreten des Westens, Bd. 2, Stuttgart 1930 (repr. Hildesheim 1967) Kahle 1947 – P. ) Kahle, The Cairo Geniza (Schweich Lectures 1941), London 1947. E. Kahle, The Cairo Geniza, Oxford 2 1959.