By Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower

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The notion of hegemonic masculinity provided a capacity to understand how there were dominant notions of organizational culture(s) and images of leadership that were masculinist but which individual men did not necessarily “fit” while recognising that there were subversive and marginalized cultures existing in organisations and society. Connell’s theories of gender thus disrupted key organizational theories in mainstream educational administration that assumed a homogenous organisational culture that could be created, managed and directed by leaders.

B. Weaver-Hightower & C. ), Leaders in Gender and Education, 33–42. © 2013 Sense Publishers. All rights reserved. CONNELL comprehensive schools and coeducation, though because of the configuration of schools in our area, my sisters and I went to segregated high schools. I don’t want to labour the origin story, but it is interesting that there was a streak of progressive ideas about gender and education in the milieu where I grew up. This milieu was the post-colonial professional bourgeoisie, which meant a background of social privilege, but not necessarily a conservative culture.

The findings were fed into community education programmes operating in very difficult and sometimes dangerous settings. I have always been an interested observer of masculinity, and in the late 1970s began the effort to make sense of men’s lives, and their tensions and contradictions, in the light of feminist thought. ” Published in the United States, this was quite widely read and helped to crystallize studies of masculinity as a research field. It remained programmatic, so I felt I had to fill in some of the empirical detail.

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