By Thompson Dorothy B.

Small sculptured figures of people and animals were discovered all around the Agora, ranging in date from the earliest profession of Athens to the top of the overdue Roman interval. This publication provides a consultant pattern of those carvings, starting from dependent ivory figures of Apollo to small toy horses recovered from kid's graves. Illustrated in black and white with virtually eighty photos.

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Among the favorite subjects was the Mother Goddess, an old type (compare 20) vulgarized and yet the prototype for the Early Christian Madonna. Even classical types like the Muse (compare 62) were debased. D. PROFANE 73 DOG 3rd century AD. D. Toys and rattles were immensely popular, especially the horse on wheels. , shown on the front cover. D. D. That old favorite, the mischievous slave of Greek Comedy (compare 35-36), held its popularity down into the Roman Empire. This example is a life-size clay copy of a genuine stage-mask.

Even classical types like the Muse (compare 62) were debased. D. PROFANE 73 DOG 3rd century AD. D. Toys and rattles were immensely popular, especially the horse on wheels. , shown on the front cover. D. D. That old favorite, the mischievous slave of Greek Comedy (compare 35-36), held its popularity down into the Roman Empire. This example is a life-size clay copy of a genuine stage-mask. D. This mask recalls the heads of victims that were suspended after sacrifice on the wall of a sanctuary. 78 PARADE MASK A copy of a gilded metal helmet of the type worn at military exhibitions, made to be hung as decoration on the walls of houses.

D. terracottas had become very crude, coarsely rendered in linear style and decorated with crass colors. Among the favorite subjects was the Mother Goddess, an old type (compare 20) vulgarized and yet the prototype for the Early Christian Madonna. Even classical types like the Muse (compare 62) were debased. D. PROFANE 73 DOG 3rd century AD. D. Toys and rattles were immensely popular, especially the horse on wheels. , shown on the front cover. D. D. That old favorite, the mischievous slave of Greek Comedy (compare 35-36), held its popularity down into the Roman Empire.

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