By Francois Zaninotto, Fabien Potencier

This e-book, authored through venture and documentation leads Fabien Potencier and François Zaninotto, serves as an entire consultant to all features of Symfony. Readers are guided via primary strategies similar to deploy, configuration, and safety, by means of thorough dialogue of complicated strategies resembling scaffolding, routing, caching, and internationalization. Bundled with quite a few instruments for aiding record, debug, and try out your purposes, and built in a way encouraging agile improvement rules, Symfony is sparking the mind's eye of millions of builders round the globe.

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This means that learning to use symfony is not about learning a new language, but more about applying the right reflexes and the best judgment in order to build applications in a more effective way. The symfony project website proposes a step-by-step tutorial illustrating the development of an application in an agile way. com/askeet), and is recommended reading for those who want to learn more about agile development. ” Put another way, YAML is a very simple language used to describe data in an XML-like way but with a much simpler syntax.

Also, he doesn’t like capital letters. symfony was close enough, even if not completely English, and it was also available as a project name. ” For symfony to be a successful open source project, it needed to have extensive documentation, in English, to increase the adoption rate. Fabien asked fellow Sensio employee François Zaninotto, the other author of this book, to dig into the code and write an online book about it. It took quite a while, but when the project was made public, it was documented well enough to appeal to numerous developers.

Using the sfConfig Class Methods Instead of Constants // Instead of PHP constants, define('SF_FOO', 'bar'); echo SF_FOO; // Symfony uses the sfConfig object sfConfig::set('sf_foo', 'bar'); echo sfConfig::get('sf_foo'); The sfConfig methods support default values, and you can call the sfConfig::set() method more than once on the same parameter to change its value. Chapter 5 discusses sfConfig methods in more detail. Class Autoloading Classically, when you use a class method or create an object in PHP, you need to include the class definition first.

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