By Canon Dr Jeremy Duff, David Wenham

This article is a wonderful creation to New testomony Greek for the whole newbie! it's very uncomplicated in nature and entire of priceless examples and routines! I relish the way in which each one new ability is damaged down for the reader: it's transparent and simple to appreciate. will be useful for somebody attempting to research Greek all alone.

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After the verb. Thus ‘the dog bites the man’ means something See it in English rather different from ‘the man bites the dog’. Section 3 In Greek, cases distinguish subject from object. Word order does not matter. 3 Forming a sentence We now need to put together a verb and one or more nouns to form a sentence. • • • – You (singular) see. – You (singular) see an angel. – You (singular) see angels. ? Page 245 Sentence? See it in English Section 2 Page 244 Note: There is no word for ‘a’ (indefinite article) in Greek.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 4 4 God has messengers. I teach the sons. We are seeking the lord. ) are calling the brother. 4 Often when foreign words are used in Greek they are indeclinable. This is true of all seven Hebrew words in the vocab for Chapter 1. A word being indeclinable means that its form does not change, regardless of the case it is in. Thus, for example, could be nominative or accusative (though normally, being a name, it will appear with the definite article, thus: ). 1 THE GENITIVE AND DATIVE CASES Rev.

Baptism into 47 48 The Elements of New Testament Greek forgiveness of sins’ does not sound quite right in English, although it makes the meaning clear. We might say ‘baptism resulting in forgiveness of sins’, ‘aiming at forgiveness of sins’ or ‘for forgiveness of sins’. 5 Elision in prepositions Many prepositions that end in a vowel drop the vowel when the following word begins with a vowel (this is called elision). also has its own peculiarities. The rules are as follows. In front of a word beginning with a vowel: drop their final vowel6 and remain unchanged becomes Examples • • • – through him.

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