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Help us make a difference. Make a donation to support Amnesty International’s work. together we can make our voices heard. I am interested in receiving further information on becoming a member of Amnesty International name address country email amount please debit my Visa Mastercard number i wAnt to helP expiry date signature Please return this form to the Amnesty International office in your country. org I wish to make a donation to Amnesty International (donations will be taken in uK£, uS$ or €) A blow to humAnity torture by judiciAl cAning in mAlAysiA malaysia openly practises widespread torture and other ill-treatment by subjecting thousands of refugees, migrants and malaysian citizens to judicial caning each year.
Incest 377. Buggery with an animal 377A. Carnal intercourse against the order of nature 377B. Punishment for committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature 377C. Committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature without consent, etc. 377E. Inciting a child to an act of gross indecency Index: ASA 28/013/2010 Amnesty International December 2010 A Blow to Humanity: 47 Torture by Judicial Caning in Malaysia Theft 380. Theft in dwelling house, etc. 382. Theft after preparation made for causing death or hurt in order to the committing of the theft Extortion 384.
Failure of a on a drug dependant to undergo treatment and rehabilitation at a Rehabilitation Centre 6B. Failure on a drug dependant to undergo supervision by police 19. Escape from lawful custody Immigration Act 1959/63 (Act 55) (6 offences) 6. Unlawful entry into Malaysia 36. Unlawful return after removal 55. Conveying a person to Malaysia illegally 55B. Employing more than five people who are person in possession of a valid Pass 55D. Forgery or alteration of immigration endorsement or document 56D.