By Timothy Peter Wiseman

This can be an account of the root legend of Rome, how the twins Remus and Romulus have been miraculously suckled through a she-wolf, and the way Romulus based Rome and Remus used to be killed in the intervening time of the root. What does the tale suggest? Why have a dual, if he needs to be killed off? this can be the 1st historic research of the origins and improvement of the parable, and it deals vital insights into the character of pre-imperial Rome and the ways that myths will be created and elaborated in a nonliterate society.

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The reader is thus left with the choice of using either the simplified formulae if you are happy with the CPI and SPI generated by the aggregate of all costs in the project, or the fundamental formulae if you wish to base predictions on the performance of those current activities which are seen to be critical. Problems with the SPI result from its use of cost as an analogue of time; however, it is possible to put the time dimension back into the assessment of schedule performance if one has the original BCWS curve plotted over time.

With situations such as those given above, it is very difficult to plan any project with confidence that the plan will remain firm and workable over anything but the shortest horizon. Projects with these characteristics tend to be hostages to fortune; they could make very rapid progress if things fall into place but equally they could be subject to delays, overruns and major changes of direction and may even end in cancellation. This is not to say that such projects are not worth starting: some may make a significant breakthrough that could result in a major competitive advantage.

5. 5 Example of the possible error in calculating the Estimated Time to Completion (EITC) I The Plan (BCWS) Planned Cost, Cumulative f Activity A Activity B Cum. Total(W) 3 4 5 1000 2000 1000 3000 2000 4000 The Actual Costs Incurred (ACWP) Activity A 1000 Activity B Cum. Total (A) 1000 2000 1000 3000 2000 4000 3000 5000 4000 6000 The Earned Value (BCWP) Activity A Activity B Cum. 0 Performance Indices CPI (C=P/A) SPI (S=P/W) Estimates at Completion EAC (B/C) ElTC (D/S) 1000 Period 2 1000 Although the EAC shows a steadily increasing prediction in line with the actual costs, there is clearly a problem with calculating the ETTC using the simplified formula as the predicted duration starts to diminish after the planned duration (three periods) has been exceeded.

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