By R. I. Van Hook (auth.), Dale W. Johnson, Robert I. Van Hook (eds.)
The Oak Ridge nationwide Laboratory's Environmental Sciences department initiated the Walker department Watershed undertaking at the Oak Ridge Reservation in east Tennessee in 1967, with the help of the U. S. division of Energy's workplace of overall healthiness and Environmental examine (DOE/OHER), to quantify land-water interactions in a forested panorama. It was once designed to target 3 relevant goals: (1) to enhance baseline info on unpolluted ecosystems, (2) to give a contribution to our wisdom of biking and lack of chemical parts in usual ecosystems, and (3) to supply the certainty precious for the development of mathe matical simulation types for predicting the consequences of man's actions on forested landscapes. In 1969, the foreign organic Program's jap Deciduous woodland Biome undertaking used to be initiated, and Walker department Watershed was once selected as one of many websites for extensive examine on nutrient biking and organic productiveness. This paintings used to be supported by way of the nationwide technology origin (NSF). Over the following four years, in depth process-level study on fundamental productiveness, decomposition, and belowground organic methods used to be coupled with ongoing DOE-supported paintings at the characterization of simple geology and hydrological cycles at the watershed. In 1974, the NSF's RANN software (Research utilized to nationwide wishes) begun paintings on hint point biking on Walker department Wa tershed a result of wide info base being constructed below either DOE and NSF support.
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1970. Walker Branch Watershed Project: Chemical, physical, and morphological properties of the soils of Walker Branch Watershed. ORNL/TM-2968. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A. O. 1 Introduction Interactions between a forest canopy and the ambient atmosphere above create the unique microclimate within the forest and govern the exchanges of materials and energy between the forest and the atmosphere in which it is immersed. Consequently, many of the physical, chemical, and biological phenomena operating in forested watersheds are functions of these canopy-atmosphere interactions.
As with the Walker Branch canopy, leaf inclination angles increased with height in these three forest types. Cumulative frequency distributions of leaf inclination in the form of Fig. 6 are provided at five canopy depths in the Castanea stand by Ford and Newbould (1971). As with the Walker Branch oak-hickory stand, distributions in the upper canopy are plagiophile but become increasingly planophiIe with increasing depth in the canopy. 3. 08 Rauner 1976 Galoux et at. 1981 Burgess and O'Neill 1975 Rauner 1976 Rauner 1976 Hutchison et at.
The canopy stomatal resistance model was tested for water vapor exchange against estimates of rsc derived from steady-state diffusion porometer measurements of rs on an individual leaf basis in a soybean canopy (Baldocchi et al. 1985a) and from computations using the PenmanMonteith equation for latent heat exchange (Monteith 1973). Individual leaf rs data were normalized by the leaf area index (LAI) of the soybean canopy to maintain dimensional comparability. Stomatal resistance data and environmental parameters required for the Penman-Monteith calculations were observed over a wide range of climatic and crop-water-stress conditions.