By Reinhard Achenbach, Eckart Otto
The survey at the relation of Deuteronomy among the Pentateuch and the books Josua - Kings is taking on the particular dialogue.
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Altes Testament. Forschung und Wirkung. Festschrift fllr H. M. 6)" 125-196; id: Heiligkeitsgcsctz, in: RGG4 Ill TObingen 2000, 822-821. For an evaluation ofthe hypothese5, that the Holiness Code was either part of P (soA. ,Priesterschrifr'. 2, FAT 26~ TQbingen 1999) or a li.. P (so K. Grilnwald: Das Heiligkeitsgesetz Leviticus 17-26. Ursprüngliche Gestaltt Funktion und Theologie, BZAW 271 Berlinl New Vork 1999) cf. E. t 11 t 32 Eclcar, 0110 Decalogue and Covenant Code in Ex 20-23 71 . e book of Joshua from Deuteronomy and reduced the Hexateuch to, a Pentateuch, becausethe theme of the land should 00 longer function as culmination and purpose oflsrael's salvation history in the Pentateuch's plot: Otto: DasHeiligkeitsgesetz zwischen Priesterschrift und Deuteronomium.
25), 600-00 I. In a synchronical perspective this difference is irrelevant. 3 I Cf. E. Otto: Deuteronomium 4. Di,e Pentateuchredaktion im Deuteronomiurnsrahmen, in:T. : Pentateuch (n. 4), 167-175. For the semantic meaning of b·r in Dtn 1,S cf. M. Fishbane: The Weil of Living Water: A Biblical Motif and its Ancient Transformations in: id. et al. s), Sha'arei Talmon. Studies in Bible, Qumran, and the t Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon, Winona Lake 1992. 3-16. r a different option cf.
London 1965; K. Jaros: Sichern. Eine archäologische und religionsgeschichtliche Studie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Jos 24, 080 11, Fribourgl Göttingen 1916; E. F. Campbell: Shechem, in: NEAE IV, Jerusalem 1993, J345-1354; V. Fritz: Sichern, in: TRE 31, BerlinJ New York 2000,245-247; E. Otto: Sichern, in: LThK3 IX~ 9 The Pentateuch in Synchronical and Diachronical Perspectives 31 Memoirs criticized this idea in favor of a Judean Yehud, because they advocated for Jerusalem 6s as the political and religious center of a Judean province Yehud66 .