By Suzanne Boorer
During this learn, Suzanne Boorer offers a way of comparing many of the present and conflicting paradigms for the formation of the Pentateuch, by means of interpreting chosen texts in Genesis to Numbers that categorical Yahweh's oath of the land to the ancestors, which will ascertain their relative degrees when it comes to their surrounding contexts, when it comes to one another, and when it comes to their parallels in Deuteronomy. The findings more often than not aid Wellhausen's belief, and a few point of Noth's. Of attainable curiosity to these learning the historic reconstruction, hermeneutics, or theology of the previous testomony.
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Peckham, The Composition of the Deuteronomistic History (HSM 35; Atlanta: Scholars, 1985). R. Smend (Die Entstehung des Alten Testaments, 63) also takes a similar position: not only was the Deuteronomistic History the product of a series of redaction (DtrH, DtrP, DtrN), but also this History of Interpretation of Genesis-Kings 23 Weimar. Weimar hypothesizes no less than eleven steps in the redactional history of the Pentateuch. Of these stages the following are the most pertinent. A Jehovist (Je) in the time of Hezekiah combined J and E, incorporated various stories that he redacted, and added his own material, to form a JE redaction extending from Genesis - Jos 24, that is a pre-P Hexateuch.
Whybray, The Making of the Pentateuch: A Methodological Study (JSOTSup 53; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1987). They do not argue extensively or originally for their positions, however, but draw on the views of others, especially those that fall within this paradigm. Mayes draws primarily on Rose, but refers also to Van Seters, Schmid and Rendtorff; and Whybray draws primarily on Van Seters, but also mentions Schmid and Rendtorff. 5. Fourth Paradigm: The formation of Genesis-Kings from independent blocks of tradition by a Dtr school.
The independent Deuteronomistic History that was only later combined with this Tetrateuch is a literary work which, in contrast to Noth's opinion, is not the product of one author but comprises two distinct redactions. The first is a pre-exilic Josianic edition that extends from Deut 1 to Π Reg 23:25, and, by contrasting the sin of Jeroboam and his Northern successors with the faithfulness of David and Josiah, functions as propaganda for Josiah's reform. 51 Dietrich; Lohfink. The one stage formation of the Deuteronomistic History, the material comprising Deuteronomy - Π Kings, is also disputed in other circles.