By Chemnitius F.
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MIRAGE 2007. LNCS, vol. 4418, pp. 150–160. Springer, Heidelberg (2007) 2. : Gait recognition using static, activity-specific parameters. In: Proc. CVPR, pp. 423–430 (2001) 3. : View-invariant estimation of height and stride for gait recognition. K. ) ECCV 2002. LNCS, vol. 2359, pp. 155–167. Springer, Heidelberg (2002) 4. : Body tracking in human walk from monocular video sequences. In: Proc. of CRV, pp. 144–151 (2005) 5. : Progressive human skeleton fitting. In: Proc. of ICVI, pp. 35–42 (2003) 6.
Fig. 1. 1 Trajectory Extraction First the trajectory extraction module is employed. Currently the customers’ trajectories are manually labeled, given that our goal consisted in the highlevel analysis of behavior. In our future work, trajectories will be extracted by adopting person detection and tracking. For this task we used our frame based annotation tool which enables both person and event annotation. 2 Trajectory Analysis Global motion analysis provides a first insight into customers’ shopping behavior.
We assume the ultimate goal of shopping is to buy a required product. Next the design of our system for automatic assessment of customers’ buying behavior is presented. We propose a modular approach and we describe next the functionality of each module. A diagram of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. 1 Trajectory Extraction First the trajectory extraction module is employed. Currently the customers’ trajectories are manually labeled, given that our goal consisted in the highlevel analysis of behavior.