By George A. Barnett
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This two-volume encyclopedia offers an intensive creation to the wide-ranging, fast-developing box of social networking, a much-needed source at a time while new social networks or "communities" appear to spring up on the web each day. Social networks, or groupings of people tied via a number of particular sorts of pursuits or interdependencies starting from likes and dislikes, or disorder transmission to the "old boy" community or overlapping circles of buddies, were in life for longer than providers corresponding to fb or YouTube; research of those networks emphasizes the relationships in the community . This reference source bargains complete insurance of the idea and examine in the social sciences that has sprung from the research of such groupings, with accompanying definitions, measures, and research.
Featuring nearly 350 signed entries, besides nearly forty media clips, organized alphabetically and providing cross-references and recommendations for additional readings, this encyclopedia opens with a thematic Reader's consultant within the entrance that teams similar entries by way of themes. A Chronology bargains the reader ancient viewpoint at the examine of social networks. This two-volume reference paintings is a must have source for libraries serving researchers drawn to a few of the fields regarding social networks.
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Example text
Humanism created social networks that would challenge the religiously centered networks predominant during the Middle Ages. c. 1390: The first known mention of the Freemasonry, a fraternal organization with members worldwide. At various times, Freemasons were seen as conspirators bent on world domination and even gave rise to the Anti-Masonic Party in the United States from 1828 to 1832, which gave the American political system the political convention. 1455: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the West, which allowed for the rapid dissemination of ideas throughout Euurope.
Differential Association Theory The former explanation (influence) was formulated by Edwin Sutherland as his famous differential association theory, which explains delinquency (or nondelinquency) as a result of association with delinquent (or nondelinquent) friends. The policy implication of his theory is that adolescents should be kept away from delinquents, both as a preventative measure for nondelinquents and as a rehabilitative measure for delinquents. Also, delinquents should be exposed to nondelinquent influences, but in a way that does not put the nondelinquents at risk of becoming delinquent: for example, the delinquent should be exposed to a peer network that is so strongly nondelinquent that the delinquent’s influence will be negligible, or should be exposed to nondelinquent influences that are asymmet- ric, or even unidirectional, such as those from prosocial adults.
Life in cities opened up new possibilities for social networking, allowing for specialization of economic tasks and the rise of social classes. c. : The written word, originating with cuneiform, became, and remains, one of the most powerful tools for maintaining social networks across space. To keep track of the growing trade between city-states, the marks that merchants made on clay tablets to keep track of inventory evolved into the cuneiform writing system. Egyptian hieroglyphics also came into use around this time, possibly influenced by Mesopotamian cuneiform.