By Peter O'Donnell (writer), Jim Holdaway (art)

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But they planted corn and have had plenty ever since. Do you the same, plant corn and you will have abundance for your wives and children thro’ the long winters. Your Great Father will give you a plough and a horse to enable you to cultivate the earth. My Children. You say your Great Father has stopped the white men’s goods which used to come among you. It is true that no British goods can come within the U. States this year. The white people as well as the red suffer by this. But it cannot be helped.

That levying Money for or to the Use of the Crowne by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parlyament for longer time or in other manner then the same is or shall be granted is Illegall. Right to petition. That it is the Right of the Subjects to Petition the King and all Commitments and Prosecutions for such Petitioning are Illegall. Standing Army. That the raising or keeping a standing Army within the Kingdome in time of Peace unlesse it be with Consent of Parlyament is against Law. Subjects’ Arms.

You Indians are not concerned in it. We don’t wish you to take up the hatchet against the king’s troops. We desire you to remain at home, and not join on either side, but keep the hatchet buried deep. In the name and in behalf of all our people, we ask and desire you to love peace and maintain it, and to love and sympathise with us in our troubles; that the path may be kept open with all our people and yours, to pass and repass, without molestation. Brothers! we live upon the same ground with you.

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