By Edith Wharton

This version is written in English. despite the fact that, there's a working Chinese-Simplified word list on the backside of every web page for the tougher English phrases highlighted within the textual content. there are numerous variations of The Age of Innocence. This version will be us

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Finish: 完成, 最后阶段, 润饰, 下场, 结束. frames: 框架. hearing: 听力, 听见. hungry: 饥饿, 饿, 饥饿的. implied: 含蓄的. lawful: 合法, 合法的. malice: 恶意. meal: 餐, 膳食, 饭. mournful: 悲切, 悲恸, 悲恸的. mushroom: 蘑菇, 蘑菰. objection: 异议, 反对. perceiving: 感知. perceptible: 明显的. portrait: 肖像, 画像. publicly: 公然, 公然地, 公开. revenge: 报复, 报仇. sauce: 调味汁, 酱油. scarcely: 几乎没有, 仅仅. sceptical: 持怀疑态度的. sip: 啜饮, 啜, 呷. sniff: 吸气, 嗅. tone: 音调, 笔调, 口气, 语气, 声调, 语调. van: 货车, 加值型网路, 前驱. Edith Wharton 35 “I wonder if she wears a round hat or a bonnet in the afternoon,” Janey speculated.

Doubtful: 疑心的. dragged: 拖拉, 拖曳. elaborate: 精巧, 阐述, 详细说明. frankness: 坦白. glow: 炽热, 发光. grace: 优雅, 恩典, 天恩, 魅力, 宽限. hieroglyphic: 象形文字, 象形文字的. horsemanship: 马术, 骑士. innocence: 无辜, 清白. instinctive: 本能的. loyal: 忠诚, 忠心的, 忠诚的. overnight: 通宵. savage: 猖狂, 野蛮的, 狠毒. simulate: 模拟. sincerely: 诚挚, 真诚地. soul: 灵魂. straightforward: 直截了当, 率直的, 明确的, 干脆, 直接的. suspected: 嫌疑. twists: 拧. waken: 醒来, 醒觉. % There was a certain triteness in these reflections: they were those habitual to young men on the approach of their wedding day.

Passionately: 热情, 热情地. plea: 呼吁, 恳求. scant: 缺乏的. strangers: 陌生人. treats: 对待. unable: 无法, 不能, 未能. unbelievable: 难以置信的. undiminished: 没有减少. uniform: 制服, 匀净, 匀实, 一律. wherever: 无论何处, 哪里. wording: 措词, 说法. zest: 热心. ” The New York of Newland Archer’s day was a small and slippery pyramid, in which, as yet, hardly a fissure had been made or a foothold gained. At its base was a firm foundation of what Mrs. Archer called “plain people”; an honourable but obscure majority of respectable families who (as in the case of the Spicers or the Leffertses or the Jacksons) had been raised above their level by marriage with one of the ruling clans.

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