By Frank M. Yamada

In Configurations of Rape within the Hebrew Bible, Frank M. Yamada explores the compelling similarity between 3 rape narratives present in the Hebrew Scriptures. those 3 tales - the rape of Dinah (Genesis 34), the rape of an unnamed concubine (Judges 19), and the rape of Tamar, daughter of David (2 Samuel thirteen) - go through a similar plot development: an preliminary sexual violation of a girl results in escalating violence between males, leading to a few kind of social fragmentation. during this interesting research, Yamada attracts from the disciplines of literary and narrative feedback, feminist biblical interpretation, and cultural anthropology to argue for a relatives resemblance between those 3 tales approximately rape.

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The narrator emphasizes that they are from two different groups, namely that Dinah is the daughter of Jacob and Leah, and Shechem is from a ruling family of Hivites. Dinah is described in v. 1 as “the daughter of Leah” (hA'El-taJb), “whom she bore to Jacob” (b»q·v¬y¸l hfld¸l√y reH·'). 6 The only other time that Dinah is identified with her mother is in Gen 46:15. Later in chapter 34, two of Leah’s sons, Simeon and Levi, are the primary instigators in the violent retaliation against Shechem and its inhabitants.

Such approaches also have tended to assume that the dynamics within the biblical narratives are related to cultural forces external to the text. In most cases, the interpreter’s understanding of culture dominates their interpretation of different texts, subsuming diverse materials within the constructed cultural framework. 29 Stone uses both anthropological studies on honor and shame and the narratological analysis of Mieke Bal to uncover patterns of sexuality within biblical culture. His in the Epistle to the Hebrews (SBLDS 152; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995); John H.

21 Genesis 34: The Rape of Dinah 39 ordinary and more than socially shameful. Shechem’s sexual actions are swift and violent. He sees her. He seizes her. He lies with her. 26 One can assume that a woman would not consent to such an act. The translation, “rape,” points to the violent nature of the sex act. ” In Judg 20:5, the Levite uses hnv in the Piel (CwCniv) to describe what the men of Gibeah did to his concubine. The men’s actions result in a violent death for the woman. In the preceding chapter of Judges, the verbs used to describe the horrific act are FwvËdC≈y¬w (vdy, “to know”) and FwlJ¸lavŸtC«y¬w (Hithpael of llv, “to deal wantonly with”).

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