By James Caskey

Why is Savannah, Georgia the main haunted urban in the US? Historian and travel advisor James Caskey solutions this question and plenty of extra. This fully-revised and up-to-date booklet info over 40 of Savannah's such a lot notorious ghost tales, leading to a mystical compilation not like the other. notice the reality approximately Savannah's haunted heritage as you discover spine-chilling stories in regards to the Hostess City's shadowy "Other Side," as advised through a grasp storyteller. This quantity combines exhaustive searches of old data, special research, and fascinating first-hand money owed of spectral job as skilled by means of eyewitnesses, even by means of the writer!
Haunted Savannah: America's so much Spectral urban isn't a suite of dry evidence, dates and folklore; it really is an enlightening and exciting trip for an individual drawn to the mystical, from magical secret vacationer to critical ghost hunter. Containing over 50 photographs and a close map of Savannah's ancient District, this booklet is the appropriate 'pocket travel consultant' for the selfmade ghost seeker.

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Haunted Savannah: America’s Most Spectral City

Why is Savannah, Georgia the main haunted urban in the USA? Historian and travel consultant James Caskey solutions this query and lots of extra. This fully-revised and up-to-date publication info over 40 of Savannah's such a lot notorious ghost tales, leading to a mystical compilation not like the other. become aware of the reality approximately Savannah's haunted historical past as you discover spine-chilling stories in regards to the Hostess City's shadowy "Other Side," as instructed via a grasp storyteller.

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A few tour owners were already constructing their entire storytelling experience around made up ‘monster stories’ like Rene Rondolia, a fictional giant psychopath who lived in a lair under Colonial Park Cemetery in 1820’s-era Savannah. I felt (and continue to feel) quite strongly that this fabrication of our history was wrong on a number of levels. I found myself digging through the archives at the Georgia Historical Society, looking for something better to tell on tour. Doing real research for a ghost tour back then was seen as more than a little strange, but I loved doing it.

This color symbolizes water, which in the same superstitions an evil spirit will not cross. Outside of the supernatural benefit to this color, there is a practical one, as well. Any shade of sky blue underneath a front porch overhang will keep wasps away. Wasps, according to Southern tradition, are fooled into believing that anything painted a sky-blue color is actually the sky. Around the property is a brick wall, and lining the wall is a row of broken glass. This is something done since Colonial days to discourage intruders, and it has the added benefit of being a little more attractive than barbed wire.

It is in these haunted stories we find common elements: tragedy, lost youth, and occasionally, redemption. Can you find a better backdrop for a ghost story than the Olde Pink House Restaurant, or the Kehoe House Bed and Breakfast? Savannah’s Historic District sets the scene like no other city. Why would Savannah be considered by many experts to be so haunted? For over a decade now, I’ve had some stock answers ready for all who asked. Very recently I’ve begun to change my mind, or at the very least add to some of those theories.

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