En pocas regiones del mundo han ocurrido tantos acontecimientos de importancia common como en las Antillas. En las Antillas se produjo el descubrimiento de América y de ellas partieron las naves españolas hacia l. a. conquista del Continente.
El tráfico comercial mundial se realizó en el Caribe, dentro del gran escenario del capitalismo mercantil que fueron sus costas e islas, durante más de dos siglos. En ellas —volcánicas y ciclónicas— se fraguó y consolidó el sistema capitalista.
El azúcar y las mieles constituyeron las primeras materias primas explotadas sin tregua en nuestra América por los hombres de negocios europeos y norteamericanos. En las Antillas se libró l. a. primera guerra imperialista de los angeles historia. Y también en las Antillas sufrió el imperialismo su primera gran derrota.
El presente ensayo se destaca justamente porque logra conjugar un correcto enfoque histórico con un metódico análisis de l. a. génesis del subdesarrollo antillano y del papel que en éste le ha correspondido al imperialismo. l. a. amena elaboración de esta obra, permite comprender fácilmente el porqué de l. a. importancia de los angeles zona antillana en el rejuego de l. a. política
Con aguda síntesis José A. Benitez explica, en forma diáfana y coherente los angeles persistente acción neocolonialista en l. a. zona antillana, sustentada por l. a. gran empresa monopolista azucarera.
Las Antillas: colonización, azúcar e imperialismo, outline los resortes básicos de los angeles táctica de penetración económica imperialista, y el subsiguiente quebrantamiento de l. a. independencia y soberanía de los países caribeños. Sin dejar de tomar en cuenta el papel de las fuerzas productivas y las relaciones de producción, los hechos expuestos superan los angeles descripción de
un caso specific para arribar a planteamientos generales, válidos incluso para el resto del Continente.

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4 Exports as % of GDP Source: ECLAC. 21 In the largest countries, this included exports of machinery and equipment, primarily to other Latin American countries, and even of pure technology in the form of licenses and engineering services (Katz, 1998). New agricultural products ± soybeans, orange juice, fresh fruits and vegetables, cut flowers, and so on ± were also added to the export basket in several countries. 3 ECLAC. The inability to rationalize the complex `geological' pattern of import protection had important costs.

It indicates that in Latin America, domestic financial crises have been basically associated with the aftermath of external debt booms. The tendency to overburden the state with fiscal responsibilities without an adequate counterpart in resource mobilization was another central feature of the Latin American macroeconomic scenario during our period of analysis, which erupted in a fairly generalized fiscal crisis in the 1970s. Fitzgerald argues in his contribution to this volume (see, also, Fitzgerald, 1978) that this was not intrinsic to import substitution or state-led industrialization, but should rather be located in a particular form of state intervention which had three distinguishing features: (i) a rise in government expenditures as a proportion of GDP, but with a lower proportion of welfare expenditure than in industrialized countries; (ii) a shift in tax composition away from property and income Enrique CaÂrdenas, Jose Antonio Ocampo and Rosemary Thorp 29 taxes into indirect and wage taxation; and, as a consequence, (iii) rising borrowing requirements to finance transfers to the private sector rather than to redistribute income, which can hardly be called a form of `populism'.

As we have pointed out, this was certainly paradoxical, as integration was viewed as the major means to reduce the costs from import substitution. 22 Nonetheless, the benefits that ECLAC envisioned from that process were only captured partially, through the creation of larger markets for complementary goods. The other part, the benefit from restricted competition in subregional or regional markets, was not captured, as the liberalization of competitive goods was generally very limited ± a major exception was the Central American Common Market.

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