By Friedrich Mölbert

In regards to the subject of the lecture before everything adefinition of the phrases "Bio logy" and "Technics" is given. The recognitions of biology with reference to the provisions of organisms and dwelling creatures for securing their lifestyles and retaining the species should be in comparison with the initiatives and goals of expertise which provides monstrous potential to the "equipment" of guy provid ed by way of nature. For additional improvement expertise typically calls for lengthy sessions of time too. In an immediate or transferred experience it takes ownership of strategies for definite initiatives that nature has al prepared solved. To a wide volume nature is the instructor of technical technology; yet know-how additionally creates such items as for example the wheel with the continual rotary circulate either one of which as a precept don't exist in nature. The correlations among biology and know-how needs to be thought of already starting from that date whilst expertise comes into life. Technics needs to persist with an analogous legislation as nature. For the rotary flow nature has a alternative and makes use of different ability and ideas for locomotion than human know-how. by no means theless the teclmics of vehic1es by means of land, via water and within the air convey many parallels with nature the place from our standpoint nature must remedy technical difficulties. The correlations among carriage-way and vehic1e are similar to these among dwelling creatures and their sector of movement.

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