By Gerhard Kegel

Professor Kegel reviews on arecent determination of the German splendid courtroom ("Bundesgerichtshof" that's the courtroom of final inn in Western Ger many for civil and legal actions). The court's selection handled an motion introduced by means of a Chicago (Illinois) producer for the cost of choco overdue bought and brought to the defendant in early 1954, the defendant then doing company in New Orleans (Louisiana). The better part of the cost of $ five. 000 had no longer been paid via the defendant. The motion have been introduced prior to a German courtroom as the defendant had resources in Germany. the problem of the case used to be even if the statute of barriers had run. The German superb courtroom in its determination restated the rule of thumb of German conflicts legislation that the legislation governing the hindrance of an motion is the legislations which governs the duty. The court docket held that, as an motion for cost is ruled by way of the lex loci solutionis, the legislations of Louisiana needed to be utilized within the case earlier than the courtroom. The courtroom, although, mentioned that are meant to the legislation of Louisiana topic the tasks of the customer to a different legislation - within the case at bar to the legislations of Illinois - this reference of Louisiana legislations to Illinois legislations will be binding on German courts.

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Oben S. 29 zu Anm. 88. 123 Oben S. 28 zu Anm. 84. 124 Deeouehe v. Savetier (1817) 3 Johns. Ch. (NY) 190, 218. Besser ist der weitere Grund, den Kanzler Kent seiner Entscheidung in Ruggles v. Keeler (1808) 3 Johns. (NY) 263 entnimmt und der dort (268) folgendermaßen lautet: "Statutes of limitation are munieipal regulations, founded on loeal poliey, wh ich have no eoereive authority abroad, and with which foreign or independent governments have no coneern. " Leading ease ist in New York schon Nash v.

000 had not been paid by the defendant. The action had been brought before a German court because the defendant had assets in Germany. The issue of the case was whether or not the statute of limitations had run. The German Supreme Court in its decision restated the rule of German conflicts law that the law governing the limitation of an action is the law which governs the obligation. The Court held that, as an action for price is governed by the lex loci solutionis, the law of Louisiana had to be applied in the case before the court.

Seine Interessen werden vorgezogen, weil der Gläubiger zu lange mit der Klage gewartet, den Schuldner in Sicherheit gewiegt hat 114. Daß auch das Gericht mit schwer feststellbaren alten Tatsachen verschont bleiben soll, fällt dagegen nicht ins Gewicht, weil die Geltendmachung der Verjährung in die Hand des Schuldners gelegt ist. Die Verjährung dient dem Schutz des Schuldners im Prozeß. Aber sie will ihn schützen nicht gegen ein bestimmtes Verfahren, etwa das des Gerichtsorts, sondern gegen ein Verfahren überhaupt 115.

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